April Article
April 2, 2023, 12:00 AM

Dear Brothers & Sisters in Christ,

It is a great honor for Joy and me to be with you again.  Prayerfully the Lord is already at work preparing you for the next Pastor and preparing that person for Ruffin-Stacey.  But for now, we are together, and it is for a reason.  Even though an Interim is supposed to just "hold the fort", I feel compelled by God to do my part in aligning this body with the will of God.  I do not expect all of you to agree with me all the time, but I do expect (and beg) all of you to pray for me all of the time.  And we will pray for Ruffin-Stacey to be led by the Lord into the plans He has for us.  AND HE DOES HAVE PLANS! (Jer.29:11-13).

The plan I am convinced that God has given me in my preaching is to proclaim Christ and His glorious gospel.  There will be plenty of application, but it should always be in response to who God is, what He did and what He does.  He is LORD and He is LOVE.  Everything He does is out of His sovereignty and His unconditional self-giving love.  When He and His work is your primary focus, everything else will take care of itself (Matt. 6:33).  I will certainly address whatever issues we face but always in the light of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

We all should be grateful to Lance, Stephanie and family for all they meant to us.  This new chapter in our lives, while a new beginning is not a BRAND-new beginning.  One chapter always follows the one before it.  It doesn't change God's narrative for our church.  There will always be change--nothing ever stays the same.  But we build on the past.  As God leads, we will tweak things but not necessarily stop them.  And this is not a one-way street!  I want to hear from you about anything you want to share with me.

In everything, I desire to love all of you and pastor all of you the same.  May heart is open to you.  It is all about Jesus who is the "All in all".  Let us remember that and live that and God will bless us.

Love in Christ,
