From the Pastor's Heart
August 14, 2023, 11:01 AM

While in the "dog days of summer" it's time to be thinking about the fall.  This time will be very crucial in the life of RSBC.  Servant-leaders will be selected to minister as Deacons, teachers, officers, and committee members (team members).  The pastor search team will be prayerfully at work.  In all these cases our prayers are essential!  We should pray for God's guidance in all these situations, as well as how He might wish to use us as individuals and as His body.

Dates are not firm yet but below is a list of some of our plans:  I will begin a series of sermons on the Church.  Please pray that I will have the boldness to say what the Lord will want me to say and do it in a loving way.  On September 10th, we hope to have another church wide singing, followed by a hot dog supper.  Christie is planning a possible Sunday morning in late September designed for children and their families.  October should be filled with stews, barbecues and fixings for our church body and the community.  We will have a visit from the NC Baptist Children's Home on September 24th.

Again, please keep all the above in your prayers.


Joy and I continue to love you all and love being with you.  I sense that we are entering into a special time of God moving among us.  Buckle your seat belts!!

Yours in Christ,
