June Article
June 5, 2022, 1:31 PM

We have been studying a great deal about faith the last several weeks. The early chapters of Paul’s letter to the Romans presents for us a clear indication of our justification by faith. This is a huge blessing for us as followers of Jesus Christ because, without this allowance from God, none of us would be worthy on our own merits.


I remember when I was playing sports in high school and then college, weight training was a major part of our preparation for the season. There were several different lifts that we performed each week, and occasionally there would be weeks where we were asked to test ourselves and find out just how much we could lift for each exercise. Every person would gradually add more and more weight to the bar until they reached a point where they could not lift anymore weight. This would happen for the smaller guys who couldn’t lift that much, and it would also happen to the bigger guys who could lift more than anyone else. Eventually, all of them would reach a point where they could not push another pound on that bar.


Our righteousness before God is like this because, no matter if we are morally good, or if we are sinfully the worst of the worst, God’s standard is higher than anyone can reach on their own. None of us can push that weight off. It is only through faith in Christ that we have the blessing of relief.


It is a blessing to serve with you,

Pastor Lance