March Article
March 7, 2021, 12:00 AM

March of 2020 was the last time I wrote an article to the church.  It has been far too long! I hope this feels like we are getting back to some form of normalcy, but I expect we will have to endure the effects of the pandemic a little while longer.  However, God stays with us even in the valley.  God guides us even in the darkness.  My prayer is that we enter into this Easter Season with a renewed sense of hope.  And with that in mind I would like to share just a few things:


First, I would like to say thank you.  Thank you to everyone who has encouraged me, the Deacons, and the congregation through this past year.  It was difficult for all of us, and it would have been easy for you to fall into anger, fear, and sorrow.  The sad truth is that so many people around us did.  But for those of you who have continued to minister in the church and to the church during this time, I say thank you. 


Second, let us remember that God is still sovereign.  Sin entered the world and has caused mayhem ever since.  However, there is nothing that happens without God’s consent, and there is nothing that God consents to that will not ultimately be good for His people (Romans 8:28). 


Third, you are loved.  You are loved by the people in this church and you are loved by God.  Whenever you feel beat down by the world, please remember.  You are loved!


It is a blessing to serve with you,

Pastor Lance