May's Article
May 1, 2024, 12:00 AM

Time-Out With Terry:     

                                                                                                                  May 1st, 2024




These three simple statements are what must drive our ministry here at RSBC. My prayer is that as we live out these truths that God will bless our church and use us to reach many with the Good News of Jesus Christ. We are enjoying great days here in our fellowship and even greater days are coming our way.

Let me encourage you to invite, invite, invite people to church. Surveys tell us that many people would come to church if they were just invited. I believe as people cross our paths every day that it is not by accident. These are divine appointments. God has brought them your way that you may share Jesus with them. You probably remember the old song, “People Need The Lord.” It may not be a song we sing anymore, but the lyrics are still true.

Can I ask you a special favor? Will you please share the post from our Facebook page—to your Facebook page. It only takes a second and it is a wonderful way to get the message out about what God is doing in our church. Especially share our services each week. We live in a world that is connected through social media and we are capable of reaching thousands of people through this medium.

Mother’s Day at RSBC is not to be missed. All mothers will be honored, and it promises to be a special day of worship. The influence of mothers cannot be measured or diminished over time. Someone said it this way; “To the world you are a mother, but to your family, you are the world.” Thank you to all the mothers in our church, your influence and legacy will last for eternity.

Your Pastor Who Loves You,

Pastor Terry