October Article
October 2, 2022, 8:00 AM

My favorite time of the year, for sure! I always get a little excited as the weather gets cooler and the anticipation of Thanksgiving, Christmas, time with family, and the many activities of the fall season make their way onto our calendars. It is a busy time of the year, but the family activities and church activities of this season are enjoyed by all who take part in them.


As I think about this time of year and how much I enjoy it, I start to think about and remember all of the fun times that I had growing up. It included many of the same activities that my family and I still enjoy, but it also included others. Friday nights on the football field, sitting around a fire with high school friends, school and church traditions that are not the same as our own now. These are usually fond memories, but they can also bring up some memories of things I wish I could have done better. I could have been a better friend in certain situations, or I could have handled a disagreement better. It reminds me that even in the best time of year we still exist in a sinful world and we ourselves are sinful people. The good news of Jesus Christ reminds us that our sinfulness is not something that causes God to forsake us. It causes us to look forward to a time when sinfulness will not exist, and we will not be bound to its power. There will be no regretful memories included in our favorite times or our favorite seasons. There will only be God’s perfect holiness.


It is a blessing to serve with you,

-Pastor Lance-